
BSBWRK520 Manage Employee Relations

Organization Selected : Safety Traffic Company
Brief :

Task 1

Assessment Instructions

It is an individual assessment. For this task use scenario and simulated business information to identify long- term employee relations objectives and existing employee relations performance and strategic and operational plans to develop options for employees relations strategies and policies and analyse these options in terms of cost benefit ,risk analysis and legislative requirement and prepare proposal strategy for management to review.


Analyse the safety traffic Co. simulated business information provided by your assessor and submit all documents as per specifications below-

1.Prepare a draft proposal for employee relations strategy. For that you need to do the following-

  • Identify and explain three long term employee relations objectives for Safety Traffic Co.
  • Current Employee relations performance.
  • Determine various employee relation strategy or policy options for each employee relation objectives.
  • Identify for each option relevant safety traffic Co. stakeholders which include a description on how they will be consulted.
  • Evaluate each option including:

a) Cost benefit analysis and assessment of risk

b)Determine the risk preventing organisation objectives to meet and its consequences on organisational performance.

  • Determine and summarise legislative requirement and key entities in industrial relations system with considerations.
  • Discuss how long term employee relations objectives meet the need of organisation and how they determine current employee relations issues.

2. Write a formal email to schedule meeting of stakeholders with Safety Traffic Co. to discuss your proposal.

To be deemed competent you need to successful demonstrate the following:

  • Draft proposal of Employee Relation Strategy, with cost benefit analysis and risk assessment plan.
  • Formal Email to stakeholders to schedule meeting to discuss the proposal.

Task 2

Assessment instructions

As a part of Assessment Task 1, you have received an confirmation that top three cost effective options are being approved.

You are required to implement a plan describing how the employee relations strategy will be actioned in work operations at Safety Traffic Co.


Review the safety traffic study provided to you by assessor and submit all documents with specifications below:

1.From the selected cost effective options develop an implementation and contingency plan for employee relations strategy. Your plan should include:

  • Implementation of employee relation option.
  • Activities required for implementation
  • Time frame
  • Resource required
  • Costs
  • Task responsibility of people
  • Contingency planning

2.Implement a training plan that outline training will be delivered to : support implementation of employee relations option; Improve site supervisors skills in conflict to management techniques. Your plan should include:

  • learning objectives
  • required competencies
  • training methods
  • number of training sessions
  • time frame to complete the training.

Determine and review plans describing how the employee relation strategy will be reviewed in next 12 months. How you will determine whether long term employee relations objectives and current organisational needs are being met. See Appendix 3 for monitoring and review plan.

To be competent successfully demonstrate the following:

  • Implementation and contingency plan for employee relations strategy.
  • Training implementation plan
  • Monitor and review plan for employee relations strategy and implementation.

Task 3

Assessment Instructions

In this task you will take the role of Operations Manager in an advocacy role play with the HR Manager and Employee.


Part A

1.Establish a grievance policy and procedure for Safety Traffic Co. Use the same layout as Appendix 1. It must include the following information:

a) Safety Co. expectations and standards for grievances and disputes.

b) Formal procedure describing how staff may lodge a grievance and how their matter handled, including internal and external escalation procedures.

c)Formal procedure for manager, describing:

  • Relevant responses to initial dispute
  • How to check documentations and other sources to clarify issues.
  • Advice from internal and external sources.
  • Negotiation Strategy options
  • Options for representation of organisation position
  • Documenting and certifying agreed outcomes
  • Implementation of agreements
  • Monitoring and review of agreed options
  • Follow up actions to manage breaches.

Part- B

Review Safety Traffic Co. scenario describing grievances situation( Appendix2 ) and submit all documents as per specifications below:

1. Write a formal report to Operations Manager describing how grievances must be managed as per organisation policies and procedures and how new collective options are negotiated and implemented.

The report must have following:

  • Source of dispute
  • Legislations and principles apply to the case.
  • Parties involved
  • valid information sources to clarify issues with complaints
  • Additional sources of support and advice ,including employer association and Fair Work commission.

In addition , you must describe how you would go about:

  • negotiating new working conditions with parties to resolve the dispute using formal collective agreement.
  • Analysing organisation position in negotiation with employees to obtain new collective agreement that is fair for employees and employers.
  • Documenting and certifying agreements with relevant authority.
  • Implementing new collective agreements
  • adherence to agreed actions and addressing any non- compliance.

Part- C

Read role play scenario in Appendix 3.

  • 1.Plan to lead a role play advocacy session as Operations Manager with HR Manager and Employee in response to scenario. Your assessor may act alternatively as HR manager or Employee and may assign to others as well
  • 2.Arrange time and place with assessor to perform your role pay.
  • 3.Perform your role play in accordance to the specifications below,assuring you demonstrate advocacy, raise questions, use active listening techniques in oral communication and collaborate with others.

To be competent successfully demonstrate the following:

  • grievances policies and procedures
  • Formal written report to Operations Manager detailing the grievances
  • Participate in advocacy session role play.
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